Warts are’nt bad most of the times, Probably because they go away on their own. However if you’ve had them for long, you could infect someone else or spread to other places on your body especially if you scratch or pick at them.
The HPV virus responsible for warts finds its way through little cuts and scratches in your skin. the virus can be present anywhere, which is why it’s important to sanitize yourself after using public transportation or sharing gym lockers.
Warts are no more a problem with the treatments available today, take a look at the ways to get rid of them below.
First up is Cryotherapy, Freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen can effectively kill it by causing the infectious cells to suffocate and die, on successfull treatment, the wart should fall off completely. Cryotherapy is a very common wart removal procedure at our skin clinic in chennai
Next there is,
100% TCA or Salycyclic Peel
Chemical Peels cut away your warts, Salicyclic or 100% TCA Peels are used for this purpose. The acidic property of these peels exfoliates the affected area and thereby promotes fresh healthy skin growth. It’s best to consult a Dermatologist prior to undertaking these wart removal methods.
Use Cantharidin to burn your wart away, This is an effective technique that can show results in just about 24hrs. The chemical is applied to the wart surface followed by a band-aid. Cantharidin burns away the affected surface and is removed with the bandage the next day. This wart removal treatment can be expensive. Consult your Dermatologist for more.
Radiofrequency Abalation
Radiofrequency has proved to be very effective at