So you put on your sunscreen pretty much like you put on your clothes? With that cool regimen, there should be no way you can get sunspots right? Wrong. Sunspots are a little like Karma, you could have been volleyballing on the beach a year or two ago, and although the fun times are gone, the damage comes back combined with all your past sunning experiences to wreck your skin.The pigmentation responsible for the sunspots known as melanin, starts to form as a protection measure when you’re exposed. The fact is, these pigmentations take years to occur and can be stubborn to get rid off.
There are a lot of ways to get rid of sunspots and pigmentation. Some of best ways are
Giving your skin the nourisment of Vitamin E + Honey, soaking your skin with this mixture can lighten your sunspots.
Aloe vera has healing properties and promotes the growth of natural skin cells and repair damage.
Onion juice can lighten sun spots due to it’s acidic nature, so can milk cream with its moisturizing effect and gentle lactic acid.
Another excellent way is to blend papaya, tomatoes and strawberry together the combination is a rich source of skin nourishing nutrients and anti-oxidants. Apply on your face.
Now, although these are natural remedies, seeking expert clinical help for your pigmentation can guarantee faster results.
Peels can give you healthy skin sans sunspots by wiping out your dead skin cells. At our skin clinic, the Dermatologist discusses the peel of choice for your unique skin type. TCA, salicyclic and glycolic are some of the popular peels for revitalizing your skin.
Other popular treatments include Microdermabrasion, which stimulates healthy skin growth by exfoliating the worn out skin on the outside. Fresh healthy skin results on the treated surface. This procedure can be performed on your lunch break with no post-recovery time whatsoever.
Sunspots and pigmentation are no more a difficulty due to the advanced skin treatments available today.
Learn more on Microdermabrasion and chemical peels at our skin clinic in Chennai.